Dominican Monastery of St. Jude

Marbury, Alabama

  • Eucharistic Adoration at the Dominican Monastery of St. Jude.
Item 1 of 6

Mary’s Guard of Honor through the Perpetual Rosary

Free for God Alone

Called by God, like Mary, to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His Word, we are united to Him in a life of prayer and penance for the salvation of souls.

The daily practices of our monastic life, especially enclosure and silence, free our hearts for God alone so that His Word may dwell more abundantly in our monastery.  At the heart of the Church, our life of consecration is mysteriously fruitful for the growth of the People of God.

At the Heart of the Holy Preaching

St. Dominic founded the cloistered Dominican nuns to be at the heart of the holy preaching of his Order for the salvation of souls.

  • Traditional Latin Chant

    In the solemn celebration of the liturgy, we chant God’s praises in English and in Latin using our traditional Dominican chant.

  • Marbury Dominican Nuns Adoration

    Fervent Marian Devotion

    As Mary’s Guards of Honor, in our Eucharistic Adoration and Perpetual Rosary we intercede for the needs of the world.

  • Joyful Community Life

    In our community life, prayer, study, and work, we give ourselves totally to Jesus through Mary for the salvation of souls.

One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

Share in our Life of Prayer

Whether by joining us in our monastery chapel for Holy Mass or Eucharistic Adoration, sending prayer intentions, or praying with our Rosary meditations, we invite you to share the fruits of our life of contemplation.

From Marbury Hilltop

May God bless and Our Lady keep you!