Support Our LiFe

We are very grateful for your prayers for us and for vocations.  We also commend to your prayers the souls of our deceased Sisters.


As contemplative nuns we give our whole lives to adoration and praise of God, and intercession and supplication for the needs of all the world.  In order to be devoted wholeheartedly to the kingdom of God in this way, we rely on the support of friends and benefactors to provide for our material needs.  Any help you can provide is deeply appreciated.

Donate by Mail

Please make checks payable to “Dominican Monastery of St. Jude.”  For more information about stock donations, bequests, and other forms of donation, contact us at or at the mailing address below.

Dominican Monastery of St. Jude
143 County Road 20 East
Marbury, Alabama 36051

Thank You!

May God bless you! You are in our grateful prayers.  “O Lord, reward with everlasting life all those who do good to us in Your name!”