Haec Dies: Dominican Chant for the Easter Octave
Joyful Easter greetings on this Octave of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday! After the somber, purple-shrouded statues and solemn chants of Holy Week, our Paschal joy at the Lord's Resurrection breaks forth in a resplendent array of candles, Easter lilies, flowering bouquets, and glorious organ accompaniment to our triumphant Easter hymns. At the Divine Office, the joy cannot be contained and breaks out in every hour during the Octave with the chant of the Haec Dies: This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!On this last day of the Octave, we continue to rejoice in the Lord's great mercy that moved Him to take flesh, suffer death, and rise again to bring us with Him to eternal life with the Father through the Holy Spirit. We hope this short chant video helps you enter into this joy during the rest of the Easter Season.https://vimeo.com/263779171