Pilgrim Rosary Celebration and Recordings

pilgrim-rosaryHappy feast of All Saints! In celebration, here are the recordings from our Pilgrim Rosary celebration held last week on the vigil and feast of St. Jude.In his conferences, Fr. Gabriel Torretta, O.P. drew on the image of pilgrim movement from place to place in order to reflect profoundly on how, in union with Mary, the mysteries of the Rosary draw us deeply into the presence of God.For each celebration, after the conference we put the meditation to good use by praying the Rosary with the hymn and antiphons from the Dominican Office for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

The Joyful Mysteries

Conference on the Joyful Mysteries (mp3):The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary with Dominican Chant (mp3):

The Luminous Mysteries

Conference on the Luminous Mysteries (mp3):The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary with Dominican Chant (mp3):

The Sorrowful Mysteries

Conference on the Sorrowful Mysteries (mp3):The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary with Dominican Chant (mp3):

The Glorious Mysteries

DOUBLE UPDATE (Nov 30): Conference on the Glorious Mysteries -- now actually online! (mp3):The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary with Dominican Chant - no recordingWe hope that by participating in our Rosary Pilgrimage from afar, you will draw closer to our Blessed Mother as she unites us ever more closely to her Son during our earthly pilgrimage towards Heaven.


Advent in the Monastery


Eucharistic Adoration with Our Lady