Our Recommended Rosary Booklets
Today we need the power and support of prayer more than ever, and Our Lady's Rosary is both simple and deep in its power to strengthen our faith and unite us to God. A helpful way to enter more deeply into the graces of the Rosary is to pray the Rosary with constancy and attention. Praying the Rosary regularly provides the opportunity enter more deeply into the rhythm of this form of prayer; praying the Rosary in moments of stillness and attentiveness, rather than distraction, helps focus on the mysteries and ultimately through them on the Lord.
Rosary booklets help one pray with attention
One of the best helps for many people in starting to pray the Rosary with attention is to use a booklet of Rosary meditations. This helps fix your attention on the mystery, sometimes even Hail Mary by Hail Mary, and also helps stock your mind with holy images and considerations of all aspects of these mysteries in the lives of Jesus and Mary.
As Dominican nuns dedicated to praying the Perpetual Rosary, we keep our Rosary stall in the monastery choir well supplied with many, many Rosary meditation booklets. We have chosen a few of our favorites to share with you, making sure to choose ones that are still in print.
Books on the Rosary (including meditations)
While the books above focus on Rosary meditations, the following three books are treasuries of different kinds of writing about the Rosary itself, although they also include meditations on the mysteries.
There are many, many other Rosary booklets that we have found helpful over the years, but we cannot list them all here! We encourage you to persevere in praying the Rosary with constancy and with attention, so that meditation on these mysteries of Jesus and Mary can continue to draw you into ever closer union with God.
You may also want to visit our Rosary Resources Page for more about the Rosary.