Vocation Letters: Good News for Candlemas

Don't worry--in real life, the Vocation Directress writes to applicants much more frequently than the correspondence posted in this fictional Vocation Letters series!Cartoon of Sister typing a Vocation Letter on the computer while a nun poses with a snowman outside the window

Ave + Maria

Dear Melanie,Happy Feast of the Presentation!  This is a special feast for us, traditionally closing the Christmas season with the celebration of the Purification of Our Lady and Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.  For centuries this feast was known as Candlemas, because on this day the faithful brought donations of candles to the church to supply the altars and shrines throughout the year.  Even now the liturgy retains a special blessing of candles (the Sisters work hard ahead of time to bring all the candle boxes into the sanctuary for Father to bless), and Mass begins with the Sisters processing through the choir bearing lit candles and singing Dominican chant.  Our own brother Blessed Henry Suso used to make his spiritual preparation for this feast on the theme of "candles" as well, making a spiritual "three-standed candle" by special prayers in honor of Our Lady’s virtues.The Feast of the Presentation is also World Day for Consecrated Life—a fitting day to write and let you know that just yesterday we received the last of the papers for your application for the Aspirancy!  Now we will be able to take your application to Council.  (When one of our Sisters was applying to enter, Mother mentioned the "Council" to her.  Sister, as a young girl in the world, understandably didn't know that much about religious life.  "Council?" she thought.  "Hm, I guess that must be something in the Vatican.  Why would they send my information there?  They don't know anything about me in Rome!"  Happily Mother was able to explain to her that the Council is simply the group of four Sisters elected by the Chapter—all the Solemnly Professed nuns—to advise the prioress in important matters.  The entrance of a new member is certainly an important matter.)We very much enjoyed your last letter about your adventures on the March for Life.  We have received quite a bit of snow here, too, for Alabama anyway.  Our Sisters from the North East and the Midwest are always excited to have some real winter weather!With prayers in Our Lady and her little Son,"Sister Mary Magistra"on behalf of Mother and all the Sisters


In Honor of Saint Joseph


Blessed Henry Suso: Making Suffering Praise