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News and Updates, Vocation News Marbury Dominican Nuns News and Updates, Vocation News Marbury Dominican Nuns

A New Novice

The Dominican Nuns joyfully announce the vestition of their postulant, Sister Karina, on October 27, the vigil of the feast of Sts. Simon and Jude. In a simple ceremony marking the beginning of her two years of novitiate, Sister Karina received the holy habit of the Dominican Order, and her new religious name . . .

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Rosary Marbury Dominican Nuns Rosary Marbury Dominican Nuns

The Mystical Rosary

Saints have called the Rosary a mystical rose tree which bears the divine fruit of Paradise in our souls.  Those who faithfully pray the Rosary can be drawn into a deeper level of prayer that fully justifies all the saints have exclaimed regarding it.

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